Sunday, February 19, 2012

ASP2.0 INSERT into SQL2000 problems

First thanks for any help anyone can give me. Here is the environment: SQL2000 server, 2003 Web server, ASP2.0, SQL

I've banged my head around trying to get this code to insert some data into a table cell on a db table, and it simply is not working, through trial and error i've figured that I simply have wrote crappy sql code so if anyone can give it a look over and see if they notice what the devil I missed, it would be much appreciated, if you need to see more of the code give me a shout.

If (Page.IsValid = True)

' MailClient.Send(MailFrom, MailTo, MailSubject, MailBody)'

Dim SQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO kittens (email) VALUES (frogger);"

End If
End Sub

Remove the semi-colin from ther end of the query, also 'frogger' should be encapsulated in single quotes. All text, ntext, varchar, nvarchar, etc.. need to have their values in quotes unless passed through a variable.

INSERT INTO kittens (email) VALUES ('frogger')



Remove the semi-colin from ther end of the query, also 'frogger' should be encapsulated in single quotes. All text, ntext, varchar, nvarchar, etc.. need to have their values in quotes unless passed through a variable.

INSERT INTO kittens (email) VALUES ('frogger')

Did you also mean for me to take the "" from the statements as well? With those taken out I get a (BC30205: End of statement expected) error.

I guess I will post the whole code (the nonhtml stuff anyway) and see if anyone notices anything. I'm beginning to wonder if I have the sql table itself not set up right somehow. As is obvious I am very new to and SQL as in I new nothing about how to code either until I started on this recent project so I am learning by doing :b

login.aspx code

<%@. Page Explicit="true" debug="true" language="vb" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Data.Mail" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Net.Mail" %>

<script runat="server">
Sub submitClick(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)

Dim eMsg as String

eMsg +="Customer Information" & vbcrlf
eMsg +="Email: " & txtEmail.Text & vbcrlf
eMsg +="Company: " & txtCompany.Text & vbcrlf
eMsg +="Last Name: " & txtLastName.Text & vbcrlf
eMsg +="First Name: " & txtFirstName.Text & vbcrlf
eMsg +="Phone Number: " & txtPhoneNumber.Text & vbcrlf

Dim MailClient = New SmtpClient("")
Dim MailFrom As String = ""
Dim MailTo As String = ""
Dim MailSubject As String = "New Customer Information"
Dim MailBody As String = eMsg

If (Page.IsValid = True)

' MailClient.Send(MailFrom, MailTo, MailSubject, MailBody)'

Dim SQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
Dim strSQL As String = INSERT INTO cuinfo ('email') VALUES ('frogger')

End If
End Sub


And this is the web.config

<add key="ConnectionString" value=";UID=mittens;pwd=itsasecret" />
<add key="ConnectionString" value=";database=kittens;UID=mew;pwd=mewmew;Trusted_Connection=True" />
<sessionState cookieless="false" timeout="20" />
<customErrors mode="Off"/>

For the SQL table itself, the UID "mew" doesn't have to be owner of the table correct, the only they need is the write access. Currently what happens is the submit button on login.aspx is clicked and the screen refreshes without any errors, and the email with the data is sent (or would be if I didn't have it commented out right now), but nothing appears in the database table. I manually go to the table and right-click tell it to show all rows and it shows an empty table. The email column is empty and in this case frogger does not show up in it.

Thx for any help.


No put the double quotes back. Basic .NET systax requires you to encapsulate all string values in double quotes!!!

Maybe your should brush up on .NET systax before posting absurd questions.

Here is a good link:



Dim strSQL As String = INSERT INTO cuinfo ('email') VALUES ('frogger')



Dim cmd as new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO cuinfo(email) VALUES (",SQLConn)





Thx Motley, that seemed to fix that problem, a new one cropped up, but I'm going to try and work it, before deciding whether to post for help.

Thx again for the help Motley.

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