Friday, February 24, 2012

ASPNETDB migration

I created a website using Visual web developer express edition (including SQL Express). No the user management section of the site (the login/logout database) was created automatically and SQL Server express was installed at my computer under the instance name of SQLExpress. I uploaded it to my web host and he hooked up the ASPNETDB for me. Now the problem is that ASPNETDB has an id password and I was given theMSSQL Server IP. How do I configure my website to accommodate that? Any help will be extremely useful!!!

you need to modify the connection string in web.config

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="server=server ip;database=ASPNETDB;uid=youUsername;pwd=yourpassword"



WOW! Thats it! Thanks a bunch. One more thing. I am also using the same database to display some data(have added some tables into it manually). What should I put in the connection string to make the connection to the database? Also, can I use a MySQL database instead? If yes, what will be the connection string?

Thanks for your help.


if you don't want to use the same name "LocalSqlServer", then you can add another connection with the same connectionString

<add name="yourConnName" connectionString="server=server ip;database=ASPNETDB;uid=youUsername;pwd=yourpassword"

I am not sure if you can use MySQL as a configuration Database, but you can use it for application database.

Honestly, I didn't use it before. to get the exact connection string for MySQL, try to add a coonection from the wizard and see how vs2005 creates it in web.config

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