Saturday, February 25, 2012

Assembly Clash between June and July CTP in VS.NET/SQL Express

Hi! How do I upgrade the assemblies in a databases between the Framework that came in VS.NET June CTP and VS.NET July CTP. I've created a fairly extensive database in the former which I'd like to use in the later. All of the non-CLR stuff seems to be accessible just fine. Unfortunately I no longer have the June CTP installed and the assemblies are running into versioning problems. I'd be happy to delete the offending assemblies if only I knew how. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

BTW, I tried to install XM and do an export but it also doesn't run with the July CTP. too!
When I depoly a Sql Server Project in vs2005, It not work:
Common Language Runtime(CLR) v2.0.50215 not installed properly. The CLR is required to use SQL/CLR features.

|||Could you please explain what versioning problems you are facing? A series of steps you took and the related error messages would be helpful.

-Vineet.|||This means your .NET Framework installation didnt occur successfully. Try uninstalling and reinstalling just CLR.


My sql express was installed with the installation of vs2005 beta 2 ( .NetFramework build 50712), I don't know why it requires the build 50215.
Can I switch sql express to 50712 ?


I have a simmiliar problem with sql.

The june CTP of SQL Server wont install with july CTP of VS2005 TS. I found out that they are using different versions of .NET 2.0.

Now what i had a laugh with was the fact that sql express that ships with VS2005 TS july CTP is from SQL June CTP. The visual studio installer automatically installs it just fine, but if you try to install it manually you get an error for an incompatible version of .net framework and vs :S


Yes, the last compatible version of SQL Server and VS for CLR Integration features was June CTP. The next compatible version would be september CTP.
You can use all other features of SQL Express besides CLR integration in VS CTPs in between.


|||Thanks for your reply! I was hoping it would be sooner but what can you do....

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