Thursday, March 8, 2012

Assign several different sets of paramters, to be chosen by user?


Is there a way to put in several different sets of values for the defaults in parameters, where the user could then choose which set of defaults they want?

For example, I have two drop-downs for dates: Start Date and End Date. I would also like another drop-down (or button, or whatever) called, say "Interval". It would have choices such as "1 week interval" or "52 week interval", and whatever is chosen would set the Start and End Dates to whatever default values I had assigned to the parameters in "Interval".

It's not quite the same as cascading parameters. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.Sorry, but this is cascading parameters. One parameter which pulls of the data from the server and fills the other parameters afterwards, thats truly cascading.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

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